Country Fried Steak & Gravy

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Wondering about the difference between country fried and chicken fried? Try reading this article from Southern Living. This recipe is for Country Fried Steak – No egg batter.

Even though I love beef & gravy now, growing up I couldn’t stand white gravy. After playing with it by adding lots of seasoning, I now enjoy it. Remember, you are only limited by your pantry! Gravies and sauces can always be tweaked with different seasonings.

Mastering fried foods takes a lot of patience. Burning the outside or under-cooking the inside is easy to do. Here are a few things I’ve learned:

Learn your appliance’s heat settings. You’re aiming for 350 degrees.

    – One of my stove’s burners gets hotter than it should. I use my electric skillet for better control.

Use a Heavy, Deep Frying Pan

    1. – Buy one that you use specifically for frying. When it gets ugly, you won’t care.

You will need Metal Tongs

    1. – Yes, you can use a fork but a good pair of tongs are well worth the cost. Try different styles until you find the pair that you can manipulate easily.

Organization is helpful because frying is quick.

    – Set up your dipping stations beforehand.

Meat that is even in thickness is a must.

    – If you have meat that is thicker on one side, bang the heck out of it with a tenderizer. Place the meat between two sheets of parchment paper to keep the meat from flinging everywhere.

Choose an oil with little taste and a high smoke point.

    – Peanut, corn, and canola are good choices. Vegetable oil smokes at 370 degrees.

Buy a Wire Mesh Splatter Guard.

    1. – Frying is messy business.

Fry a couple of steaks at a time to help control burning.

    – If you’re new to frying this is especially helpful.
Country Fried Steak Recipe by

Country Fried Steak & Gravy
A flavorful recipe for country fried steak.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 4 Steaks



  • 4-6 Cube Steaks
  • 1 Cup Milk
  • 1 Cup All-Purpose Flour
  • 1 teaspoon Seasoned Salt
  • 1 teaspoon Onion Powder
  • 1 teaspoon Black Pepper
  • 2 teaspoons Garlic Powder
  • 1 Tablespoon Dried Parsley
  • 1/4 Cup Vegetable oil


  • 3 Tablespoons reserved oil from frying steaks
  • 1/4 Cup All-purpose Flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon Black Pepper or to taste
  • 1 1/2 Cups Milk



  • Pour oil to a depth of 1/4 inch in a large skillet and preheat on medium.
  • In a pie plate stir together flour, seasoned salt, onion powder, black pepper, garlic powder and dried parsley. In another shallow bowl, pour 1 cup milk.
  • Dip each steak into milk covering both sides, then dredge through flour mixture. Repeat. Cover each steak completely with flour mixture
  • Place steaks onto heated pans. Repeat with remaining steaks.
  • Cook steaks on first side until crisp & brown, about 5 minutes. Turn and cook 3-5 more minutes or until done. Remove to paper towel lined plate.


  • Reduce heat to low. Drain grease, reserving 3 tablespoons.
  • Mix flour and milk in a blender bottle. Slowly pour into pan, stirring constantly. Add seasonings. Heat until thickened. Add more milk if it becomes too thick.
  • Serve over steaks.
Keyword Chicken, Country, Cube Steak, Dinner Ideas, Fried, Gravy

Country Fried Steak Recipe by


  1. Thanks for clarifying the differences between country fried steak and chicken fried steak! I never understood what chicken fried steak meant before. Thanks for sharing this on Five Friday Finds last week. Hope you can stop by again this week. :)

  2. Growing up in the south, chicken fried and country fried steak were staples in the eating world. I miss it quite a bit. Now that I live in the north, southern style is very hard to find. Its just not the same up here. Pinned! Thanks for stopping by The Yuck Stops Here party and hope to see you again next week.

  3. I never knew the difference between country fried steak and chicken fried steak! Thanks for that tidbit of info, and it looks really delicious! Thanks for linking up to last week’s Tasty Tuesdays at Creative K Kids. I’ve finally pinned it to the Tasty Tuesday’s board!

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